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Paintball dodge

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Rating: 1.8/5
(249 votes cast)
Added on  Jul 14, 2011
Comments (5)
anon : 12 years ago : reply

No he pushed the button after he moved ...

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Zach : 12 years ago : reply

Dude hes holding a communication device.... your an idiot

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You're : 10 years ago : reply

You're** go back to school kid

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ChnZ : 12 years ago : reply

Lame. The trigger wasn't even pulled until after he was almost completely out of the way.

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Actually : 12 years ago : reply

This scenario was to see at what distance can a man dodge a bullet from a sniper rifle. Seeing as how a live-fire exercise would have obviously been deadly, they used a paint ball gun up close to simulate a sniper rifle from far away. They set up a sniper rifle hundreds of yards away and fired blanks from it. The man would see the flash and react as fast as he could. The paint ball gun was rigged to fire the paint ball so it would hit him the same moment as the bullet would have. So the reason he moved early was because he saw the flash and reacted. the shot was fired as soon as the bullet would have been there. I think it was around 1000 yards away or something

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