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Vampire pug

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Rating: 2.3/5
(442 votes cast)
Added on  Feb 05, 2009
Comments (6)
Kenneth : 9 years ago : reply

"Whomever did this" LOL

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Rob : 12 years ago : reply

This isn't funny. Whomever did this (for fun?), is obviously insensitive, and not too bright. It's NOT cute. The dog's certainly not happy about it. Animals aren't toys, and I hope, one day, the person who did this can come to realize the absolute stupidity of it. Harmless fun? No.

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Meagan : 12 years ago : reply

how is this mean and how are people bad? It's just vampire teeth in a dogs mouth! Is it hurting the dog? Is it in pain? STFU It's cute and funny. Just harmless fun with someones dog

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ivar : 12 years ago : reply

you are bad people. dogs are not toys..... have some respect for a living one.

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baz : 13 years ago : reply

he JUST had a dentist visit.. WHITENING

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