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Guy helps friend escape from police car

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Rating: 2.2/5
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Added on  Jun 24, 2011
Comments (9)
that's fine : 9 years ago : reply

The guy who commented first is an idiot and a nut swallower

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Joe Momma : 10 years ago : reply

Oh, that poor, poor officer. *wipes tear*

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Ah ha : 12 years ago : reply

But you are quick to assume it is wrongful.

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no : 12 years ago : reply

thats exactly why todays youth are a bunch of idiots who dont respect anyone but their "homies" I hope that cop shoots them both right in the face to make an example out of all idiots who believe the police are bad think aout this if someone breaks into your home or murders someone you care about do you call your G gangsters no you call the police so they can serve and protect you even though you act liek an *** and even if a few days prior you were a *** to an officer and he is assigned to your case he will stop at nothing to bring those people who do wrong to justice. I salute our men and women in the armed forces, police, firefighting and paramedics I suggest you do the same the go to work every day not knowing if they will come home to protect disresectful wastes of life.

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Really? : 12 years ago : reply

I love all the assumptions. You just made an enormous ass of yourself.

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Joe : 12 years ago : reply

While I agree with your general message, I must point out that your lack of capitalization and punctuation make you sound like an idiot. You, sir, are an idiot.

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Not Joe : 12 years ago : reply

While I must point out to you that your comment on proper grammar is beyond retarded and pointless as this is the internet... good day.

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Imight BeJoe : 12 years ago : reply

Well, 'no' is definetly a cop or has connections to one. He has no idea what the person did that is escaping, the cop could have wrongfully arrested him . Not like its never happened before....even before Occupy.

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chibi : 12 years ago : reply

That is exactly what a best friend is right there.

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