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Deer accident dashcam footage

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Rating: 2.4/5
(470 votes cast)
Added on  Jul 25, 2011
Comments (11)
Bob The Builder : 9 years ago : reply


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Flanders : 10 years ago : reply

Dont hurt the Kittens

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fjfj : 10 years ago : reply

...its an animal...its funny quit being so easily offended

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Tara : 12 years ago : reply

That poor thing, people are ***s to be giving this 4 stars. I mean really? -.- I can only image how painful and scary that must've been for it before it died.

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uhhh... : 12 years ago : reply

has the face of a deer so prob not a moose

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Herp : 12 years ago : reply

Can't believe he schooled both cars

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Derp : 12 years ago : reply

That's a Moose.

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Chez Rolez : 7 years ago : reply

If you pause it right before the MOOSE hits the windshield, you can see that its hind leg joints bend the opposite from the front, making it a moose, not a deer.

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duh : 12 years ago : reply

If it was a moose it would have been the car sent flying.

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stupid duh : 12 years ago : reply

its a moose 100% not a big moose but still a moose the car has a lower center of gravity not to mention its going much faster and right at the moose which means it coming at that moose with A LOT of force the moose weight is much higher up in most cases if you when fast enough you would mess up that moose good and it would roll right over the car only giving the car little damage other cases you would push the moose just like this and it landed on another car... now if the moose went down before he got hit that wouldn't have been a pretty sight for the moose and the car..

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lol : 12 years ago : reply

Moose are heavy as hell. It would have demolished the car, not send it flying.

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