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Biker gets slapped by man crossing the street

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Rating: 2.1/5
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Added on  Oct 26, 2014
Comments (8)
Jimmy Spudgun : 7 years ago : reply

It appears so. You're right though.

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Jimmy Spudgun : 7 years ago : reply


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Stephanie : 8 years ago : reply

Its a busy street. Nobody should step in front of moving vehicles. Too bad people in savannah do that shit all the time anyways.

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Rama Gtr : 8 years ago : reply

Am I the only one here who noticed the pedestrian was just trying to steal his Gopro?

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Craigfjay : 9 years ago : reply

Looks very much like UK, the kerb is lowered for wheelchair access to cross but it is not a zebra crossing or such like. Pedestrians have right of way if they are in the road first unless they step out in front of you like here, biker has no chance, so not biker's fault

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yaboi : 9 years ago : reply

i dunno if it was foreign there was no cross walk but in drivers ed in america they tell you to keep an eye out so the biker wasnt paying attention to his surroundings

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Everyone : 9 years ago : reply

Those who know the pedestrian has right of way, and the biker should have stopped

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who : 9 years ago : reply

Who the would do that?

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