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Sorting the chicks

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Added on  Jan 17, 2009
Comments (9)
Formless : 9 years ago : reply

I think its a defense mechanism. Almost nobody likes their job or likes what they have to do for their job but we are forced by people who have no idea to do things we don't fully agree with in order to continue living in this society. Caring a little more for the chickens besides slowing down a little bit you would get attached to a creature you know is going to be slaughtered, how miserable would every day be?

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tobias : 9 years ago : reply

we cant fall any further ...sadas* world

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Tim Bob : 10 years ago : reply

Why does everyone say Buffalo wings when referring to chicken wings. I live in Buffalo.. They are just "wings". They are not Buffalo wings or hot wings.. Just wings you idiots.

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hello210 : 12 years ago : reply

well i don't care how they treat them im still love my fried chicken..and buffalo wings

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:L : 13 years ago : reply

This is the terrible truth, but jeez why throw them? She could at least take an extra second to put it in the chute and just give it a nudge rather than just throwing it.

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bare guy : 13 years ago : reply

i eat chickens

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Kael : 13 years ago : reply

There are reasons why I no longer have faith in humanity. This is one of them. Humans are by definition a type of animal, and yet we are among the few animals that treat other animals cruelly. It is one thing to kill. It is another to treat a living being as if it is nothing but an object to serve a purpose.

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smartguy : 12 years ago : reply

animals do treat each other cruelly you obviously havent seen any of the other animals on this site have you? lets see: Cat vs dog, monkey vs dog, turtle eats/drowns pidgeon, bird fight, whale slaps bird, cat chases bear, tortiose vs dog, bird pushes turtle, bully turtle, shall i continue?

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