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Bitch-slapping a cobra

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Rating: 2.5/5
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Added on  Jul 16, 2012
Comments (5)
Mlg : 7 years ago : reply

AhahahahHahahahahaha he slapped the shit out of that snake.Bravo man you got balls that even make even Norris say damn.👏👏

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^ ^ PieSpie is a Fag ^ ^ : 9 years ago : reply

PieSpie can you please just die....

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Guy : 9 years ago : reply

PieSpie.... You and your kind should be donated to all the Snake-pits of the world.

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^ ^ Is A Fag ^ ^ : 9 years ago : reply

No......Just no...

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PieSpie : 9 years ago : reply

That's just awful!! Ugh, this makes me sick! This just screams animal abuse, and I can give you at least three reasons why: -Cobras, like all snakes, are not social animals, and cannot be kept with other cobras, or else they will fight for territory and/or mates -This guy is just walking through grabbing these snakes and throwing them over his shoulder like their bad fruits or the wrong color ties. -DID YOU SEE HIM HIT THAT COBRA ON THE HEAD? That cobra was fully within its natural rights to strike at that man, as it felt threatened and felt the need to defend itself in the only way it knew how: Striking. I mean come on, obviously the guy hurt the snake, did you see the way is dashed off after it got hit?! These aren't dogs people, they can't learn through treats and punishments, the'r brains aren't that sophisticated. Snakes are very simple creatures and don't understand learning from consequence. Hope that guy and all like him one day get bit by one of these snakes and die from the venom!

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