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Graffiti fail

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Rating: 2.4/5
(297 votes cast)
Added on  Dec 25, 2013
Comments (3)
Straight A student : 2 years ago : reply

It is a terrible shame. Mark was pressured by his "friends" to do participate in the yearly school prank. They were going to out-do last year's balloons in the hallway prank by spray painting the school mascot, a dragon, burning books right outside the entrance. The crew told Mark that they would hang out with him over the summer, even though Mark was going to be leaving town anyway as he had already been accepted to Stanford. He obviously had never used spray paint before. His screams of pain caused all of the other people there to run, leaving Mark there blind. His acceptance to Stanford was revoked after this video surfaced on popular social media sites and those friends never even visited him in the hospital once during his rehabilitation. Luckily, he was still able to attend community college where they had a decent disability resource center. At community college, he realized he didn't need to prove himself for friendship and his newly found confidence is what Becky, the most beautiful and popular girl from high school, said was what attracted him to her. They are currently engaged!

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ROFLECTOR : 9 years ago : reply

the asshat had what was coming to him

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FleedleDee : 9 years ago : reply

I just loled so freaking much!

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