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Biker crashed by car

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Added on  Jun 09, 2010
Comments (4)
Beentheredonethat : 12 years ago : reply

That exact scenario happened to me. I could see the driver on her cell phone and was passing her when all of a sudden she decided to move over. No signal, no looking, nothing. *** didn't even stop.

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TLA : 12 years ago : reply

Ouch! Seeing accidents like this makes me happy I traded my love for motorcycles with cars. At least you have a bit more protection in a car.

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Rapid99 : 13 years ago : reply

Just a heads up, this isn't the biker's fault. He's obeying all traffic laws and passing on the correct side. And no he isn't holding a camera. It's a helmet cam. I know this because the source of this video is used as an example to advertise the sturdyness of the camera (ContourHD Helmet Cam. I believe the video is on the website)

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tMartn : 13 years ago : reply

This is IN NO WAY the bikers fault. He was just minding his own business when the stupid motorist didn't check her blind spot and pulled out with no blinker.

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